Very quick update whilst home doing washing, Edie napping and Benj taken over at hospital.
The surgery went really well, no complications. He was under for a long time though- 8.30 in the morning until 4pm when they wheeled him into ICU.
The length was mainly because before they even started the forehead remodelling, he had his ears drained, new ear tubes placed, a conductive hearing test and an MRI.
Good news on the MRI, his brain looks tip-top. No raised pressure, plenty of room, so they decided against putting springs in the back of his head in order to pull it out for more room. This plus the fact that his sleep study was good, avoided anything on top of the forehead advancement.
His surgeons have said he shouldn't need a further one, so next big head surgery (if all goes well) would be the Le Fort III. What a great time if he could get through to then. Although he has final syndactyly release early next year.
His surgeons have said he shouldn't need a further one, so next big head surgery (if all goes well) would be the Le Fort III. What a great time if he could get through to then. Although he has final syndactyly release early next year.
So, he is very swollen which we knew to expect and is pretty sleepy most of the time, but has been up for cuddles with Dad today.
He has had a couple of throw ups which were fairly large, but they're just monitoring that at this stage. He's pretty thirsty so it's hard not to keep giving him formula- but if he schlurps too much back, it's probably not going to stay down. He's not complaining too much yet!
We're so proud of Ira.
Will update again soon.